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Електролизер на Stanley Mayer

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Stanley Mayer е човекът, успял през 90-те да реализира супер ефективно разлагане на водата и е направил автомобил, изцяло работещ с вода.

Ползвал е пакет импулси, предизвикващи стъпково енергизиране и разпадане на водата чрез резонанс (капацитета на плочите на водната клетка + външна индуктивност) и лазерно енергийно стимулиране на водната молекула, намаляващо енергията на връзката й.

Схеми, теория, чертежи:
http://www.waterfuelcell.org/concept.html - Обяснение на физиката на процеса на разделяне на водната молекула
Нашият FTP сървър с подбрани файлове
http://waterpoweredcar.com/pdf.files/stanspatentcircuit.pdf - Патента му в оригинален вид
http://waterpoweredcar.com/pdf.files/Stan_Meyer_Full_Data.pdf - Комплексен документ, включващ всички известни негови схеми и теория
http://waterpoweredcar.com/stan.html  - Тук са събрани всички PDF-и, включително горните два
http://waterpoweredcar.com/stansgifs.html - Допълнителни схеми и чертеж на смесителните устройства

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-WO-sorNkA - Обясняват основните принципи на електролизера на Meyer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdbaFIFcwNw&feature=related - Мощна ефективна електролиза
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOGAkRkCWfA&feature=related - Stanley Meyer оригинално видео
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIgOn1kRw5s&feature=related - Stanley Meyer кара бъгито си на вода

Някои неща от форумите:

Репликация на потребител Ravi:


--- Цитат ---Today I receive a picture from Ravi's bifilair coil.
Perhaps this helps you further.
See how the wires of the bifilair coil are changed!
--- Край на цитат ---

--- Цитат ---The Water Fuel Cell Basics.

let’s look at Stan’s main drawing at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Water_fuel_cell_circuit.png, here we have a power supply, a transformer witch is not essential but dose help, so we wont go into that now, a frequency generator, a diode, two bifilar wound chokes, and a capacitor.

We now know that 2Ampers and 5Volts input, that’s 10 watt’s, is all we need. We can get far more then that from most power supplies.

The frequency generator needs to produce a square wave form, those square wave pulses also need to be gated so that the voltage fields don’t rise to such a level that they arch.

The pulses need to match the resonant frequency of the inductor and capacitor.


The transformer is an unnecessary luxury and is for a more advanced model of the water fuel cell; we will not go into that.

Now we come to the [diode] this is there to keep the Water capacitor (Stainless steel plates/tubes) charged, it dose not let the high voltage fields wash out of the capacitor, but lets the voltage build up charge slowly.


Now we come to the inductor (choke), this is a very important part of the circuit. When a pulse hits the inductor, the inductor generates an electromagnetic field. This then waits for the second pulse. When the second pulse hits the choke, the choke then lets out the first pulse witch goes to the water capacitor and gets stored in there and gets multiplied on it self each time.

Then it washes back out to the inductor, but not past because the High voltage diode dose not let it. So it now makes a bigger charge with each oscillation.

Then the momentum starts building with each pulse, the voltage is now resonating up, down, up, down.

This is responsible for the step charge effect, the voltage is rising.

This happens many times before the gate wave form stops the voltage from arching.

This is how the voltage gets to such high levels with 5Volts and 2Ampers; and this is the role of the inductor.


Now let’s look at the water capacitor, this is made up of stainless steel plates/tubes, forming a capacitor. This is where the high voltage builds up charge, so that the tremendous voltage fields are made in the water between the plates in the capacitor.

That is how the LC resonance in the water fuel cell builds up high voltage fields.

The key is LC resonance, or tank circuit resonance.

LC resonance is a “choke/inductor” (copper wire wound around a ferrite core) witch is L, and a “capacitor” (the stainless steel plates/tubes) witch is C.

When you put a pulse through an LC circuit you will not get much of a reaction, but if you slowly tune, or do some hard math, you can find the resonant frequency depending on the values of the components.

The right frequency will resonate with the capacitor and the inductor, but you need to find resonance.


Now let’s look at what is actually happening to the water molecule.

The conventional electrolysis method uses amperage. Lots of it, and the energy used is not recovered after the Hydrogen and the oxygen recombine.

Now that we are using high voltage fields and very little amperage we don’t use much wattage but get lots of hydrogen.

Let’s take the normal water molecule; it has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

Now the problem with breaking apart the water molecule is the covalent bond of the water molecule, this is the electrons that hold it together. But now that we are using high voltage fields we can “strip” of the electrons, leaving the hydrogen and oxygen free to rise to the top as a gas mixture.

We have now broken the water molecule with high voltage fields by affecting the electrons only.

Imagine the water molecule is held together by a lock witch is the electron. The conventional electrolysis process is like trying to smash apart the lock; it takes so much energy to do that.

But what we are now doing is unlocking the covalent bond of the water molecule using voltage, “plucking” or “extracting” the electrons. This uses much less electricity, and is more efficient.

It also dose not break the laws of thermodynamics.
During the process of stripping the electrons, the water molecule looses its electrons, the hydrogen and oxygen then goes into the piston in an engine. It needs to use its other electrons to reform that covalent bond,

But if you try and re-use that water coming out of the exhaust, it won’t disassociate, you can’t.

Before that water can be reused, is needs to go up into the atmosphere and join the clouds, get re-energized by the sun and fall back to earth, it acts like a solar panel, to get that covalent bonding electron.

The second you start using electricity to make photons to “re energize” the “stripped” water molecules is the second you loose the net energy gain.

All energy comes from our sun.

Thank you!

--- Край на цитат ---

Пак от същия линк- малко критика.

Farrah Day

--- Цитат ---Look guys I don't want to put a dampener on things here, but I do feel that I should mention that a lot of the theory stated in Pulsed's post is quite inaccurate.

I mention this as not only will it be very misleading to any newbie trying to get his or her head around the electronics or researching the subject, but surely it is quite irresponsible to talk as if you are well versed in the subject, when clearly you're not.

If anyone wants to know how the charging resonant cct really works, then the Richie Burnett site that was given above somewhere details it's function and explains it very well. However, bear in mind we are not using it to pulse a tesla coil as is Richie Burnett, so it will only partially relate to wfc's. For example, our wfc becomes the tank capacitor, and our pulsing is effectively equivalent to the spark gap.

Also, with this cct, the last thing we want is to hit the resonant frequency of the inductor and our wfc. At the resonant frequency, a series LC circuit provides next to no resistance to current flow as the reactances of inductor and capacitor are 180 degrees out of phase and hence cancel each other out. What this means is the only thing that limits the current is the resistance of the wire making up the inductor. You get very high current flowing through the cct and no voltage - exactly the opposite of what you want.

I don't think you'll find that the transformer is 'an unnecessary luxury'. This will step up the voltage from the source to provide a decent potential across the wfc. Without it your looking at just 10 volts across the wfc from a 5 volt supply.

Pulsed's post does illustrate a lack of understanding of basic electronic principles, which if accepted unquestioned by those not in-the-know, will be very detrimental to further education and progress.

There is also a lot of nonsense about 'stripping the electrons' from the water molecules and allowing the gases to rise up... if only it were that simple. This is all conjecture and actually makes no sense. It really does not work (cannot) work like that. I daresay, rather annoyingly Pulsed will find there are a few laws of physics and rules of science that need to be observed!
--- Край на цитат ---

--- Цитат ---
Ванты взгляда, котор я не хочу одеть в dampener вещи здесь, но я чувствую что я должен упомянуть что множество теории заявленной в пульсированном столбе довольно неточно. Я упоминаю это как not only воля, котор он очень обманчив к любому newbie пытаясь получить his or her головку вокруг электроники или исследуя вопрос, но уверенно он довольно несознательн для того чтобы поговорить если вы наилучшим образом versed в вопросе, когда ясно вы не. Если любое хочет суметь, то как поручая резонирующий cct реально работает, тогда место Richie Burnett которое далось над где-то деталями оно будет функцией и объясняет его very well. Однако, bear in mind мы не используйте его для того чтобы пульсировать катушка tesla как будет Richie Burnett, поэтому оно только частично отнесет к wfc's. Например, наше wfc будет конденсатором бака, и нашим пульсировать будет эффективно эквивалент к зазору искры. Также, с этим cct, последняя вещь, котор мы хотим должна ударить резонирующую частоту индуктора и нашего wfc. На резонирующей частоте, цепь lc серии обеспечивает рядом с никаким сопротивлением к в настоящее время подаче по мере того как reactances индуктора и конденсатора 180 градусов из участка и следовательно отменяют вне. Эти середины единственной вещью ограничивается течение будет сопротивление провода делая вверх по индуктору. Вы не получаете очень высокий в настоящее время пропускать через cct и никакое напряжение тока - точно противоположность вы хотите. Я не думаю вы найдет что трансформатор будет ' ненужной роскошью '. Это step up напряжение тока от источника для того чтобы обеспечить пристойный потенциал через wfc. Без его ваши смотря как раз 10 вольтов через wfc от поставкы 5 вольтов. Пульсированный столб иллюстрирует недопонимание основных электронных принципов, которые если принято unquestioned теми для того чтобыne знать, будут очень вредны к более дальнеишему образованию и развят. Будет также множество вздора о ' прокладке электронов от молекул воды и позволять газы поднять вверх по... если только она была тем просто. Это будет вся конектура и фактическ не делает никакое чувство. Оно реально не работает (не смогите) работа как то. Ii1 daresay, довольно annoyingly после того как я пульсировано найдет там будет немного законов физики и правилами науки которые наблюдаться!
--- Край на цитат ---

Схемата на Стенли Маер. С главно "С".


Дясната част на трансформатора както се вижда, е резонираща LC група, в която капацитета са самите плочи на електролизера и има външни дросели, единият от които е променлив за донастройка на собствената резонираща честота.
Между плочите се прилага основно напрежение, а не ток.

Кратко обобщение от мен

От разгледаните до тук схеми и репликации (доколкото може да се твърди, че има успешни репликации) има някои съществени различия.

Първо- в оригиналните схеми на Стенли Майер се ползва една честота. Това е честотата на постигнатия резонанс. Т.е. тя може да се променя с времето, но не и циклично. Докато в репликациите на Боб Бойс и Лаутон се ползват 2 или 3 таймера, в които се подават импулси с честота 10, 20 и 40 кХз, то при Стенли Майер няма такива екстри, а се търси резонансната честота.

Тя варира от 0 до 10 кХз и над нея. Според зависимост от много фактори, според които температура на водата, частици (ppm - parts per million), примеси и т.н.

Второто важно различие- при клетката на Стан Мейер се използва пулс с повишаващо се напрежение (поне аз така го разбирам). Ето и схемата с пояснение как точно се получава:


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