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Tesnic Turbine vertical axis


Tesnic wind Turbine - vertical axis

Вертикална ос, усъвършенствана тесла турбина. Малки, подходящи за монтиране на къщи, в процес на разработка. 10 kW е най-мощния модел с тегло 350Kg.

http://tesnic.com/tesnic_turbine.html - официален сайт с обяснение на принципа на работа

--- Цитат ---The wind turbine patented by TESNIC is a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), defined by a rotor assembly having more than 200 disks stacked one on top of each other with a narrow gap between them (≈2mm). The rotor also includes on the circumference of the stacked disks a plurality of twisted airfoil blades as such to redirect the air flow tangentially to the disks surface.
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